How to write essay conclusion
Good Topics For A Theater Research Paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Do Rules Contribute to a persons happiness
Do Rules Contribute to a Persons Happiness? Rules and guidelines. The two words which each kid and even numerous grown-ups hate to hear. When thinking about ‘rules' we consider something which disrupts the general flow of our accomplishing something we may need to. We promptly revile the standard, not thinking how it might be helping us. We intensely wish that it never existed, without truly having the option to appreciate what the world would resemble without that rule.What we, as people, neglect to comprehend, is that rules are made fundamentally to support us. We may discover them irritating, exasperating, and even totally silly, yet they by and large assist us with having a sense of security thus, cheerful. Consider everything in our everyday life which we underestimate. Driving in a vehicle, we anticipate that individuals should stop for us sooner or later when at a crossing point, that is on the grounds that somebody made traffic lights. Speed limits are another significa nt principle which numerous individuals find amazingly annoying.Think about this, f there were no street guidelines, okay feel good driving? To all the individuals who consider heading to be a definitive opportunity, okay feel a similar way in the event that you were in consistent dread of being slaughtered? Obviously not! The equivalent goes for rules against murder, burglary, drugs, sexual maltreatment, the rundown never closes. It is a result of every one of these standards that we are allowed to feel great and upbeat in our lives. All the principles so far have been administers on a global scale, yet regardless of whether we take a gander at rules in our own immerses they serve the equivalent purpose.Personally, I would consistently get irritated when my folks didn't let me have as much ‘Junk food' as I needed. I would through fits of rage and state that ‘now is the best an ideal opportunity for me to eat Junk, while I'm as yet youthful! ‘ Now, when I consider It, I am incredibly happy that my folks controlled me. On the off chance that I had eaten excessively, I could have had extreme medical problems, which would have prevented me from doing such a large number of things which I love doing today, Like playing sports, eating out and Just by and large getting a charge out of life.Today I am grateful for the guidelines set somewhere around my folks, since they are a significant explanation behind my bliss. By and large, I genuinely accept that rules and guidelines are critical to a people satisfaction. They may not all assistance you out (however as a general rule you may not perceive how they are helping you), yet without them your life would not be close to as charming as It May be. As Sheldon Cooper (from The Big Bang Theory) says, Without rules, our whole world would plunge Into Anarchy, and who needs that!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 133
Task Example Be that as it may, it merits watching the way that in spite of the emergency, for the Neo-Classics, they reacted through shielding their position and even clarified that the emergency was an affirmation of their view. It is reasonable that the disunity among business analysts become progressively articulated after the monetary and the money related emergency essentially because of the similarity of the ongoing budgetary emergency to the incredible sorrow of 1930s in both strategy direction and on tenet issues. During the rule approach issue of the 1930s was joblessness which was then followed to rigidities which forestalled the free working of the industrialist framework and it was then discovered that the significant unbending nature was deterrent too the descending development of wages, making the emergency a matter of certainty which couldn't discover fix either on financial or money related extension. Taking a gander at the present emergency, it is obvious that the emergency was activated by the breakdown in the financial framework which was a major reminder for the Neo-old style standard business analysts as it was an away from of sick groundwork for the emergency attributable to the brush off reached out to the money related area. Be that as it may, then again, the New Keynesians and the New Institutional Economists were given the principal chance to utilize the utilization of financial and money related development to stop the constriction of the monetary part. Thusly, hypothetically, actually, neither financial matters nor the unique part of monetary history is fit can do its work altogether without assistance from the neo-old style hypothesis. The last quarter a century has seen the economy-natural powerful become subject to the idea of the earth and people. The most recent decade has seen an expansion in disturbing maltreatment of and applying of over the top weight on the earth coming about into an obliteration on an excellent scale most remarkably in the creating nations. A large portion of these occurrences have
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Wunderdata Wunderdata is a great startup in Berlin providing business intelligence tool to eCommerce companies.In this interview, Richard Neb and Mike Roetgers share the idea behind their business model. They also explain their competitive advantage and provide advices for avoiding mistakes for the first time entrepreneurs.Interviewer: Hi. Today we are in Berlin with Wunderdata. Richard and Mike, who are you, and what do you do?Mike: We are three founders who founded Wunderdata a year ago. We are basically developing business intelligence software for online shops.Interviewer: Please tell us a bit more about your background, what did you do before you started this company, and what made you switch from being an employee to starting your own company?Mike: I was a software developer for ten years. Actually when I was 17, I started doing a bit of freelance work, and at 18 I started my first startup. Back then I didn’t know it was a startup, I thought it was just this small company, and we had ve nture capital, even though I didn’t call it that. For the first some years we did music downloads with MP3s, it was back 2005, long before Apple did that. But when Apple switched to MP3s in 2007 we failed. Then I worked as an employee for some years until last year when we started Wunderdata.Interviewer: And you Richard?Richard: I’ve worked for four different online shops so far. Mike has also a lot of experience, and also Stefan who is our third founder, in ecommerce. And what we realized or the learning out of it was that it’s very important for online shops to work data-driven, but at the same time it’s very hard to work data-driven professional online tools because all the solutions in the market are either self-built or in enterprise field, both of which are very, very expensive, and it takes of time, several months, until you can deploy it to work. And it takes a lot of knowledge to work with it. Every developer can build some SQL queries, but to build a scalable, flex ible data solution is a whole other game. So what we realized there was that we could do it better, so we founded Wunderdata.Interviewer: Tell us about how the business model of Wunderdata works. Is it subscription or SaaS model? Tell us a bit more about what the software is really doing, what the data output looks like, and how you try to store the data in this data warehouse?Mike: What we do is we create a data warehouse for the individual customer, and we try to identify data sources for the customer, which are relevant. Of course the base level is the online shop in our case, and very important is web-tracking, like Google Analytics, or Web Track, or whatever. And then it’s often about getting all the different costs. Like if you have marketing, you want to know what you spent on Ad Words, what you spent on ZaNote, etc. and you want to know logistics costs, for example, returns, what you pay for pay for that and stuff like that. We bring all that together in one big data model and we connect everything with each other. So our big difference with a lot of other BI vendors is that we are not totally generic, but we know what data we have and what it means. It’s not like a number we know what it means and that’s where we interconnect it. Then we are able to do, for example, filter globally. I can look at a certain customer corporate and see what brands they bought, I can bring everything together, I can try to find correlation between different data, which you normally don’t look at together. So that’s the basic idea.Interviewer: Assuming you had all the clean data and access automatically to all the data sources, are there different types of data sources like Google Analytics, etc. is quite easy to extract, but maybe there is some other data, from like logistic quest, or specific other marketing or offline expenses that I generated that I might put in manually in the other system or so, so how do you extract this data and put it into the data wareh ouse?Mike: Of course we love APIs, so whenever it’s possible to get it through an API we get it through that. We can use direct databases access. If you have your open system, for example, we can connect directly to database if you allow us, and we try to find what we need. And we can also use spreadsheets, for example, so if once a month you give us payment correction cost on that spreadsheet, and we import it so we’re pretty flexible. As long as it’s structured data we can use it.Interviewer: But API or Quora or whatever, you will need to develop ones?Mike: Exactly. As soon as we have a new data source, we connect it and then we have it. It’s a bit more if it’s completely new data, like I can exchange Analytics with Web Track, that’s pretty easy, but if it is something new then we have to integrate into the other model and see where are our correlations and where do we need to put links, stuff like that. But normally it’s pretty fast.Interviewer: So it doesn’t take that much time?Mike: No, not a lot. A new API if we know the data it’s about a day or two. We have to integrate new models, maybe four or five days.Richard: But it’s only once and for the customer it’s always only a few minutes of effort.Interviewer: I am just thinking on the one hand you have this subscription model where you have something 200 to 1000 Euros a month, for example, and you are not charging for the individualization, and it takes three to five days, it’s additional cost you would have to incur that you need to cover a longer period that the customer’s paying you money.Richard: But what we saw in ecommerce especially that it’s a very homogenic market. 40% of all online shops are using Magenta, for example. More than 80% are using Google Analytics. So we don’t really have a lot of variance there.Interviewer: In terms of your distinction from other competitors, there are a lot of analytics software coming out over the last two or three years, what makes yo u unique?Mike: Because we specialize in ecommerce, we have prepared a huge amount of analysis and dashboards for you, so you don’t start with a white paper with nothing on it, rather you have a functioning system which you can just use. You just get your account and log in and you can work with it, not only the BI expert who knows all the data but also the intern, for example, can access to his parts that he needs and he just sees the KPIs which are important for him. That’s one thing. Then this global filtering, no one can do that except for the very generic SaaS systems, because it is so generic that you don’t know that this order has to do with this customer. And we know it’s an order from this customer, so we can do the link. You have to do that by yourself in a lot of systems, we can do it automatically. So we connect you, and it’s working, and it is 100% there.Interviewer: Nobody else is doing this kind of global metering?Mike: They all do a very generic system. Of c ourse if you have relational data, it’s pretty easy to match them. For example, Magenta is not very relational, there’s a lot of crazy tables, and if you put in a very generic system you have to do a lot of work in order to make it work. And with us it is different, because we understand Magenta, we understand the data model, we can just do it automatically.Interviewer: As I understand, you have different target groups you want to offer your services to, like startups such as Amorelie and Lesara. Are there any other specific criteria for selecting the target group?Richard: We can connect every shop or shop-like system which is transactional based. It doesn’t matter what you sell, shoes or events or something, everything will work. As to how big the customer is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a startup or a big online shop, we can do it. Technologically we have a high speed database, but from the sales approach we are more targeting the smaller and not the enterprise field because there are a lot of big, strong players, and the sales cycle itself is just longer.Interviewer: How do you acquire those customers?Richard: We have different acquisition channels. One is very classical, it’s just direct sales, calling over the phone. One is content marketing, we’re trying out building educational content, especially what are the best KPIs for ecommerce, etc.Interviewer: Like a blog or…Richard: Yeah, kind of whitepapers, blogs, yeah. The third channel, which is interesting, which we are working on at the moment, are multipliers. For example, IT agencies, a lot of them asking us, because they already have ecommerce customers, they’re building the shop system for them, but they often get asked whether they can also build a business intelligence solution, but it’s a whole different field, it’s not their core competency, so it’s very interesting for us to work with them.Interviewer: Is this based on a revenue share model?Richard: Yes.Interviewer: Do you also have an affiliate model or something like that?Richard: Not yet, but if you refer a customer to us we can work something out.Interviewer: Tell us a little bit more about your future plans in terms of whether the product is really finished, you’ll never work on it for years, or is there something that you would love to work on in order to create more value for customers?Mike: First of all, it never stops that new shops pop up or new APIs we could connect, so that’s always a thing we can invent time in. I think there is some stuff to do on the front end. We are three technical founders but we are both backhand developers. So it’s not as beautiful as it could be. There is definitely potential, also some pretty normal frontal functionality like comparing charts, stuff like that. We have some technical debts, we know about them, and we know there is stuff we need to do in order to make it really really good. We are working on that, but it’s a bit more time, maybe some ex pertise from the outside. And it’s about atomization of course, we want to automate more stuff. Right now technical debts are there so not everything is 100% automated, and we are currently working on that, on becoming better and faster so that more tasks and can rebuild your data warehouse faster and stuff like that. There is a lot of potential to optimize, but the product itself is usable and is used every day.Interviewer: Imagine, I am a client of a BI analytics software and now you’re pitching me, “Martin, we would like to offer you our software, Wunderdata.†Then I will ask you how hard is it to switch to your product, do I need to change anything, or do I just need to pay the money and that’s it, all the rest will be done, and I have my past data, I have all the APIs working from day one.Richard: The effort on your side would be limited to a few minutes. You just need to connect the data source, but the work on our side is all automated. Then you can start working an d you wouldn’t need to train all your employees on how to use the tool, how to build the report, etc., especially when it comes to more complex KPIs like customer lifetime value, cohort analysis, etc., it’s already there. So you can really implement the tools within a few minutes and start working with it.Interviewer: Let’s talk about how you want to pursue creating the competitive advantage? I totally understand that you have this more specific kind of framework for matching different data sources and creating data of that, which others don’t have, because they only fit the generic model. Is this something that is the core value of your software, or is there something else you would like to develop for creating value to shop owners?Richard: We’ll go even further in automating the whole experience, not only in terms of information and data but also a little bit â€" I can’t go into this too deep â€" but we believe that if you want to implement data driver culture in a com pany it is very, very important that it will to grow more and more, then you need a tool which is super-easy to use, so everyone from the CEO to intern can use it from the first minute. And then, and only then, you will have a data driven culture and you won’t have any presentation meetings of some bullshits storytelling, you will only look at the data and then make the right decisions.Interviewer: What is the typical lifetime of a customer. Assuming I am subscribing to your service, how many months am I typically a user of your service?Richard: Statistically speaking for eternity, because no one’s gone so far. That’s very good. But on the other hand we are pretty good for a startup that launched several months ago.Interviewer: If it keeps like that, that’s awesome.Richard: Definitely, yeah.Interviewer: We always try to share some insights and advice to first-time entrepreneurs, what will be your top one or two advice that you could give to first-time entrepreneurs so they m ake less errors?Richard: One important is not to underestimate the amount of time it takes to close a deal, because on B2C you can test out very very fast a feature or your whole product, but on B2B it can take long. We built a product which is multiple times faster implemented than the current products in the market, but it doesn’t mean that the sales cycle will shorten to the same degree. This is one thing that we learned.Interviewer: Any other lessons in terms of product development?Mike: In general we can say everything takes a bit longer than you think. It’s not only B2B, it’s cycle, it’s everything, raising money, everything you cannot influence directly, you can’t rush it. As soon as you depend on other people, it’s always like you have to wait and they have other stuff to do and it is weeks and months sometimes, so it’s frustrating if you don’t plan for it from the beginning. You think you’re going to do this and this, and that takes a week, and then at the end it’s not like that, as soon you’re not the only one involved. So that’s something we learned the hard way to be honest in the first month, and it’s frustrating sometimes.Interviewer: But right from the start your product was the same product marketed or was there some kind of iterative process where you learnt along the way what the customers really wanted, and how did you approach that?Mike: We built a prototype which worked, which was not perfect but had the basic functionality we wanted to build, and then we brought in first customers to learn from them, and their feedback was very valuable because you don’t see all the stuff they do. We knew the ways to do it, for example, but then some stuff Amorelie did different, like Lesera is more focused on sourcing than Amorelie on marketing, so you can learn from the first customers very much, and you have to really integrate them, and get the feedback fast, and then move fast, and adapt it to them. That was very good.Inte rviewer: Great. Mike and Richard, thank you very much for your time.Mike: Thank you very much.Richard: Thanks.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Problem of Swearing in Classrooms by Teachers and Students
The Problem of Swearing in Classrooms by Teachers and Students People have different attitudes, mindsets and outlooks in life. Most of these behavioral traits arise from their upbringing. Children normally learn by seeing what their parents do and copy them to a large extent. They don’t respond to instruction as much as they do to visual examples. When the father smokes, the child would end up smoking too, even if the father instructs the child against the habit. Thus, children are more influenced by what their parents do rather than what they say. If parents want their children to behave well, they should show this behavior on their own example and not just by instructions. Many of the behavioral problems that we encounter among pupils at school today arise from these causes. Of course, there could be a number of other reasons too, but faulty upbringing is one of the biggest causes of these problems. Such kids not only cause problems in the classroom, but also influence other kids who are well behaved. They might talk loudly, swear and create a lot of distractions in class, which could ruin the entire atmosphere. Anyway, swearing among students could be forgiven for this is not completely their fault. But when some teachers indulge in this activity, it becomes more serious. Just like parents, teachers are looked upon as role models for the younger generation. Their behavior needs to be impeccable as a lot of children would be following their footsteps. Thus, when teachers swear, it can have a lot of negative consequences. Students can pick up these negative traits from them and grow up to be problem individuals. Therefore, this issue needs to be addressed immediately, and appropriate actions have to be taken to eliminate the problem. Essay Example From You Can Rely on! You can consider this essay as an example of the work. It is completely original as it was accomplished by one our writers from scratch without any ideas being copied from anywhere. You can easily rely on this sample as a pattern to show you how the work may be completed. Nevertheless, please be careful while taking any ideas from it, because plagiarizing any phrases may be crucial for your work. We are sure that you know how plagiarism is treated at schools and that all the works are checked by means of the special tools. This essay discusses the problem of swearing in the classroom and reveals the consequences it may have for both children and teachers. The topic is currently a burning issue and our writer did his best to write it in the most correct way possible. If you need to compose a work on the similar topic you can take some ideas from it and write them in your own words. Again, avoid plagiarizing. When your essay must tell about any other problem and on any other subject, you can ask for our quick help. We work round-the-clock and it will be no problem for us to get an order from you at any time of the day or night. You will be asked to provide us with as many details you have about your assignment as possible. This will help us make an essay for you perfect as for the content and the idea it must render to the reader. Need to write in any special citation style? Thats fine. We know all the tricks of any of them and are ready to find the most suitable writer to meet your deadline as soon as we get an order request from you. You may be totally safe with us, because we will never make it public that you required our writing help. Ready? Then proceed with an order form on the website!
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay What You Don't Know About Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Students should include their private statement within the program, and we ask students to incorporate the reasons they're seeking to pursue an MBA and their. Take a look at the CAPA Dublin program. The writing in a few of these statements is a bit dry, and many deploy no less than a few cliches. It might be worth considering checking out templates for personal statements so that you will get a notion on the best way to structure your paper. In writing unity is excellent writing. Focus on themes and specific goal statements as an alternative to attempting to supply a biography. There's no need to inform the entire story initially or offer any useless particulars. Regardless of what school, or what kind of statement you require, we can supply you with the assistance you're searching for. It's q uite simple to use together with self explanatory. With assistance from a skilled and skilled professional personal statement writer you can avoid spending time and get even greater results than you might have hoped! Permit the committee know that you're passionate about caring for others. If you're asking for a scholarship or maybe to obtain admission into a program or school, the committee not only wishes to observe how well you're able to articulate your ideas, but also would like you to convince them which you deserve the scholarship or a location in their program. Consequently, MBA programs want future leaders that have a strong desire to earn a positive effect on earth. The XYZ Engineering program has historically been and is still a leader in the discipline of innovation. The Ultimate Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Trick If you succeed, you will probably increase your odds of being accepted by one of the best small business schools. My long-term goals I would like to achieve are to relocate, buy a home out of New York and purchase a completely new car. Working for a significant company has ever been my dream. At this time you might believe that magically solved each of the problems a family can have. All About Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Sometimes you try to do your best and even then you're not able to score well in your home tasks. It's possible to write a career summary, highlighting a couple of vital achievements. If you don't have volunteer experience, maybe you could write about personal experiences that have motivated your application. There are many career choices offered in the health care field. The Little-Known Secrets to Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay No matter your purpose, before you start to write, consider your audience. My short-term goals include advancing my understanding of quantitative research using I read your private statement with fantastic i nterest. Planning a quick term and long-term goal sheet is going to be to your benefit. The purpose of experiencing a career goal statement is to supply you with a crystal clear and inspiring direction for the future. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you want to contact. You wish to utilize your essay for a tool to demonstrate why you need to go to their school, versus simply stating why you would like to go there. You may easily buy unique college essays and don't neglect to tell friends and family about it. Actually, should you need a personalized essay for scholarship feel free to get in touch with AdvancedWriters writing service. Now you can purchase genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done too. Just like any essay, a strong conclusion is essential. As soon as you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. Ruthless Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Strategies Exploited 1 effective means to commence an MBA career goals essay is to start with a crystal clear overview of short-term and long-term career objectives. Someone who reviews your CV needs to be in a position to see several examples which demonstrate how you are endeavouring to pursue your target. You will probably be passionate about your career objectives. Take into consideration your upcoming career objectives and ask questions. Custom writing means a significant company with high standards. It is a gift that comes naturally. Writing quality essays is the principal purpose of our services. Writing a sup erb nursing school essay is quite important to getting your application considered and accepted. For some applicants, simply getting into a fantastic nursing school is the most significant element. A good deal of individuals start there careers as a medical care assistant and decide they wish to move up into nursing. Your own personal statement should incorporate the long-term goals you've got for you career in nursing. To begin with, don't compose a typical nursing personal statement. There are quite a lot of tasks an assistant handles. If you are prepared to advance your academic career and earn a significant step towards your professional objectives, by submitting an application for an MBA program, then you can be on your way to the career you've always wanted. If your aim is to aid children or if you prefer to advance your degree to develop into a specialty nurse, express this. Career goals for nurses are determined by the person. Definitions of Nursing School Personal Goal Statement Samples Essay Should you're confused regarding what things you have to include and emphasize in your resume, and what things to avoid at all price, there are plenty of websites you could discover on the Internet that provide tutorials on the best way to compose a resume, along with free resume examples. These days, there are a lot of fonts to select from that it could possibly get complicated as to which has to be used for a resume. No matter a superior template, however, yo u might not have a good handle on where to begin. There are loads of totally free watch statement templates you will download online, but the huge majority of them are crap!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Student Information System Free Essays
Today, in most countries, computers and other IT resources are deployed by institutions of learning to facilitate the dissemination, access and management of information. This project evaluates and analyzes the processes, technology and methodologies implemented in the development of a web-based information system termed â€Å"Electronic Student Management System†(E-SMS) to solve the basic problems of the manual method used by the administrators and staff of secondary schools in Nigeria â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Information Technology is widely used for faster and easier way of recording student information. It is also used in managing the operation undertaken by the school. We will write a custom essay sample on Student Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a great help to every school that undergoes with different difficulties within recording the students information. Almost all schools and other institutions, computers have significant impact in their works. People rely on computer for efficient and effective way to handle different loads and tasks. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- In today’s generation, we are engaged in highly computerized technology aiming to enhance individual lifestyle and most especially in the world of business. The manual system is now considered obsolete after the birth of the computerized system. Computerized S. I. S is now very common today’s generation. The current system of the EMCSI that they are using now is a manual paper based system and this system is a computerized student†¦ Coping with the electronic revolution left institution in a dilemma with very meager options except to follow and adopt the changes. Students preferred to have guide and easy transaction like release of records, enrolment and many more. These are demands that institutions should cope up with. They need technology which should do the work for them. What they need is a program or a system where they would simply press or click button and all the necessary information about a person will be provided. Additionally, much of the software used in previous student information systems and school administration worked on an outdated code base and had a curious mix of presentation, businesses and data accessibility. The advantage of having a student management system was missing as it was not possible to integrate any of the campus- based activities within the systems. Thus, educational institutions were looking for a web- based solution such as a student information system or an intelligent student information system with an inbuilt mechanism to meet the requirements of student- related information management as well as to serve the purpose of a school management system. Furthermore, they were looking forward to a complete package on student information management system from a single programmer. Student Information Systems (SIS) manages student records and information. A Student Information System provides a capability to view the student records. It includes student status, grades and the remaining accounts. A Student Information System helps schools mange various operations including student data, accounts, and viewing grades on previous semester. SIS is different from Course or Learning Management System (CMS or LMS). A SIS allows for the quick and accessible flow of information. A Student Information System provides fastest and efficient work job to the personnel and staff with useful tools to automate the daily routine of simple tasks â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- CHAPTER I RESEARCH PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Notably, student information system or SIS incurs such application software designed for educational establishments to manage student data. Student information systems provide capabilities for entering student test and other assessment scores, building student schedules, tracking student attendance as well as managing many other student-related data needs within the institution university. Thus, many of these systems applied in the Philippines can be scaled to different levels of activity and can be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs. Moreover, before universities have created their own bespoke student record systems, but with growing complexity in the business of educational establishments, organizations now choose to buy customizable within the shelf software. It can be that, modern student information systems are usually server-based, ith the application residing on central computer server and are being accessed by client applications at various places within and even outside the school. During the year 1990s, student information systems have been changing and are fast adopted through the presence of a web medium as a channel for accessing SIS without any hassle upon viewing student details and information. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study deals with the Proposed Claro M. Recto High School Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the problems encountered by the system of the students’ information system in terms of services? 2. How do the above to be improved? 3. Is the proposed system can really make solution for these problems? 4. Does the computer based system can help the school to make        Collection process fast and ease? How to cite Student Information System, Essays Student Information System Free Essays string(34) " from the business point of view\." ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we would like to thank program director Mr. Satya Bahadur Shrestha and our subject teacher Mr. Keshav Poudel for providing us with an opportunity to do our project work on â€Å"Student Information System†as part of our syllabus. We will write a custom essay sample on Student Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are heartily indebted to our subject teacher Mr. Keshav Poudel for his constant support and guidance throughout this project. It was his valuable suggestions that helped us to cope up with emerging obstacles during the development of this project. Group Members Ashish Shahi Sanjay Maharjan Sulashyana Shrestha TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2. 1. Introduction about the Project 2. 2. Objectives 2. 3. Scope of the Project 2. SYSTEM STUDY 3. 4. Existing System 3. 5. Disadvantage 3. 6. Proposed System 3. 7. Advantage of the Proposed System 3. 8. Problem Definition and Description 3. SYSTEM ANALYSIS 4. 9. Package Selected 4. 10. Resources Required 4. 11. Feasibility Study 4. 12. 1. Operational Feasibility 4. 12. 2. Technical Feasibility 4. 12. 3. Economic Feasibility 4. 12. Functional Requirement 4. 13. Non Functional Requirement 4. 14. Use Case 4. 15. Sequence Diagram 4. 16. Project Scheduling . SYSTEM DESIGN 5. 17. Process Diagram 5. 18. Entity Relationship 5. TESTING 6. 19. Testing 6. 20. 4. Unit Testing 6. 20. 5. Integration Testing 6. 20. 6. System Testing 6. CONCLUSION 7. 20. Summary of the Project 7. 21. Future Work INTRODUCTION Introduction about the Project Nowadays technology has reached its highest level and is in the phase of developing more with the new innovations. Student†™s Information System (SIS) is an important aspect of any educational institute. The information about the student’s overall performance is important as to generate student’s progress report. Still different colleges record student’s performance report on the paper. Although records can be recorded on the paper manually, but this process is time consuming activity. With the advancement of technology, computerized techniques are more useful and consume less time compared to paper work. Hence computerized techniques should be used in colleges to record and access student’s data which is more effective and efficient to use. The Student Information System is aimed to computerize the record keeping system as to make the job easier for the college administrators. 1. 2 Objectives The main objective of this project is to develop software that helps in easy access of the information about the student, their overall performance in one click. Our system is focused to make a web based SIS which makes the work of measuring student’s performance easier and efficient. The main intention is to provide a system with suitable efficiency and accuracy while maintaining its main objective to access student’s performance report. * Ensures that end users have input the design process. * Accomplish project goals and objective within defined budget and time parameters. To implement a computer based program as to make the work effective and efficient. Scope of the Project As discussed above this project is based on developing software that is capable of finding student’s performance report. The system will be able to show student’s performance report. This system will help to reduce the effort to record the entire student’s performance data in files. This system will save time and increase efficiency. This project is purely based on the research and along with the study and requirement of this project in academic field. 2. SYSTEM STUDY 2. 1 Existing System The existing system of managing SIS in the college is based on the file recording system. The recording method of this system is totally based on file system and the data about the students are recorded in a file and to search the performance graph about a student the files are to be searched according to the student’s semester. 2. 2 Disadvantage The existing system is very time consuming and is not effective as it is based on the file recording system. To search one student’s report all the existing files are to be searched. Modification and updating process is hazard, which is time consuming and inefficient. . 3 Proposed System The system we are about to make is a web based system dealing with the Student Information System. Particularly it is based on the activities related to the recording and accessing the student’s performance report. The proposed system is a computerized system which will be much more effective than the filing system. 2. 4 Advantage of the Proposed System As the system is a computerized system, it will reduce the effort to record the student’s progress report on the files. It will also save time in recording, managing and accessing the student’s data. 2. 5 Problem Definition and Description In any academic institute student’s information is an important aspect as it is related to the institute and the student studying in it. The student’s information about their overall performance in their academic career is essential and it is to be recorded in a proper way, so that the necessary information can be access when required. Our system Student Information System (SIS) is focused make a computerized system that records the student’s performance information. The main intention is to provide a system with suitable efficiency and accuracy while recording, managing and accessing the recorded data along with appropriate speed. SYSTEM ANALYSIS 3. 1 Packages Selected The package used in the development of our system is Java Net Bin. 3. 2 Resources Required 3. 2. 1 Hardware Requirement Hardware: PC compatible with a Intel Pentium- III processor RAM: 1-GB RAM Hard disk: 20-GB 3. 2. 2 Software Requirement Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional Software: jdk 1. 7. 0_02, jre 7 Front End: Java Back End: MySQL 3. 3 Feasibility Study We made our estimation on whether the system is able to satisfy the user’s need using the software/hardware technologies being used in the developing the system. We made our study on the basis of cost effectiveness of the proposed system from the business point of view. You read "Student Information System" in category "Essay examples" Considering the time and cost the feasibility study were made and further detailed analysis was done. The study is based on the following: * Whether the system contributed to the main objective of the project * Whether the system can be engineered using current technology and within budget and schedule constraints. 3. 3. 1 Operational feasibility We made our study on the basis of the operational factors of the system. Our system is feasible on the operational environment as well. The users who are going to operate on this system will able to understand the system and can use it easily by some training. 3. 3. 2 Technical feasibility The hardware and software used in this system are easily available in the current technical environment so it is easy to use and feasible with our system. Due to technical feasibility further changes can be performed easily. 3. 3. 3 Economic Feasibility Our system is economically feasible as it is under our budgetary constraints. This system is cost effective because * The tools and technologies used for this system are free for non commercial use. This system provides quality of information and the ease of access to the information required. The system can prove effective and efficient and can establish itself as valuable assets for the one who implements it. 3. 4 Functional Requirement The system provides a web base where a large number of pages are crawled for a particular domain and are stored. The statement of services that ou r system provides as the systems functional requirements are as follows * The administrator would be able to insert, delete, modify and update the records based on student’s the performance. The system would be able to display all the recorded performance information about the student. 3. 5 Non-Functional Requirements * Usability Our system will provide the web interface to the end users with the optimum user- friendliness so that they can get accustomed while operating the system. * Reliability The system developed will be able to meet the expectations of the user as well as, it would be reliable to matchup with the existing products * Performance Our system shall return the matched documents from its web base within considerable amount of time. Security Our system provides a web interface, so in order to make the system secure, any user needs to get authenticated. This would help the system be free from spamming and other kinds of attacks. 3. 6 Project scheduling | Gantt Ch art| | | | | Days| 1-5 days| 6-10 days| 11-15 days| 16-20 days| 21-25 days| 26-30 days|  | | | | | | | Activities| | | | | | | Planning|  | | | | |  | Feasibility study| |  |  | | |  | System analysis| | |  |  | |  | System design| | |  |  | |  | Coding| | |  |  |  |  | Testing| | |  |  |  |  | Implementation|  |  |  |  |  |  | The above Gantt chart represents the activities conducted by our team members and the days required to complete all the activities. The activities performed were planning which required five days, feasibility study which required ten days from day 6 to day 15, database design, and interface design required ten days from day 11 to day 20, coding would require ten days, testing would require five days from days and lastly implementation would also require five days from days. As this project is based on the design of the Student Information System, coding system testing and implementation was not conducted but duration was separated for these activities as well. 4. SYSTEM DESIGN 4. 1 System Design 4. 2 Design Description 4. 2. 1 Use Case The use case defines a goal oriented set of interaction between external actors and the system under consideration. Actors are parties outside the system that interact with the system. In SIS actors are the users. Use case diagram of Student Information System Insert records Delete records Update records Search required record View records record Administrator User 4. 2. 2 Sequence diagram for â€Å"Student Information System†2. Accept password 1. Enter Password Display System Information System Login System 3. System Access 4. Display Record 5. Display require information to the user User Fig: Sequence Diagram for Student Information System 4. 2. 3 Architectural Process Diagram Fail Pass Add Delete Edit Edit Delete Submit Exit Report Action Exit Operation Performance Info Student Info Student Informationon 4. 3 Entity Table: Table name: Student Attributes| Data type| Length| Constraints| S_Id| Integer| 20| Primary Key| S_name| Varchar| 20| -| S_semester| Integer| 20| -| S_phone| Integer| 20| -| Table name: Result Attributes| Data type| Length| Constraints| S_name| Varchar| 20| -| S_marks| Integer| 20| -| Table name: Login Attributes| Data type| Length| Constraints| Username| Varchar| 20| -| Password| Varchar| 20| -| Time| Varchar| 20| -| Table name: Administrator Attributes| Data type| Length| Constraints| Admin_Id| Integer| 20| Primary key| Admin_name| Varchar| 20| -| 4. 4 Entity Diagram Student S_name S_Id S_phone S_semester Fig 4. 3. 1. Entity diagram for student Result S_name Marks Fig 4. 3. 2. Entity diagram for result Username Password Time Login Fig 4. 3. 3. Entity diagram for login Admin_Id Admin_name Admin Fig 4. 3. 4. Entity diagram for Admin 4. 4. 1 ER-Diagram of â€Å"Student Information System†Login Admin Student Result Attend Performs Records Performs 4. 5 Context Diagram: Update info Marks Student details Administrator Student information system Student Id Semester result Student Login details 5. TESTING 5. 1 Testing Our system has been tested throughout the design of the system. As testing is important part of the system development process, we have tested the system throughout the design phase rather than testing the system after the complete development. The following tests are to be done during the system development 5. 1. 1. Unit Testing We will have to test each and every small units of our system. The source code of our system would be divided into modules, which in turn would be divided into small parts called units having their specific behavior. From the unit testing we will come to know if the combination of the units leads to the fulfillment of the software requirements or not. 5. 1. 2. Integration Testing In this testing we will combine the modules and test it as a group. Modules would be typically code modules, individual applications, client server application in the network, etc. Integration testing follows unit testing and precedes system testing. 5. 1. 3. System testing As there are the possibilities of different unexpected errors to occur after integration so the system testing would be done. The system would be tested to check whether it met its requirements and ensure the known and predictable results. System testing would be based on the process description, emphasizing pre-driven process links and integration points. 6. CONCLUSION 6. 1 Summary of the Project Managing student’s performance information is a very important activity of any educational institute. This project is aimed to develop a computerized Student Information System that helps to make recording and accessing the information easy and effective. Subsequent numbers of lectures were reviewed before starting the project. Then further steps were taken such as system study, system’s feasibility and many others considerations. Though the system needs some improvements and future enhancement is also a challenging task, the overall outcome of the project is expected in its design considerations. Enormous knowledge has been gained throughout the project. The importances of background research, system study, requirement analysis different methodologies were learnt. Also implementing techniques, testing have been exercised. Thus we hope our system provides appropriate nformation to the users according to the chosen service and would help to reduce unnecessary time managing the repots on the paper. 6. 2 Future Work Our Student Information System has many aspects that can be upgraded with future works. There are different future possibilities that the system can enhance its features in terms of the technology and design. In order to make even more effective and efficient use of the system the user inter face can be developed in a more interactive way and technological changes can be made. As per the time, knowledge and necessity the system scan be made better in future. How to cite Student Information System, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Work Motivation And Work Engag... free essay sample
Christain, Ghaza and Slaughter (2011), Kahn (1990) and May, Gilson and Harter (2004) linked motivation and employee engagement. Many studies found indirect relationship between motivation and employee engagement. Motivation and employee engagement result in increased firm productivity and employee performance, most scholars have linked motivation and engagement to high profit and employee performance. Intrinsic motivation has also been linked with employee engagement from organizational and contextual factors, but little empirical evidence support this statement (Deci Ryan, 1985; Chalofsky Krishna, 2009, p. 189-190).WORK MOTIVATION AND HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEINGDiener and Suh (1997) note that the central elements of well-being are based on peoples most important values and goals: subjective well-being is most likely to be experienced when people work for and make progress towards personal goals that derive from their important values. Goal conflict or ambivalence, on the other hand, is associated with diminished well-being (Diener et al. 1999).WORK ENGAGEMENT AND AFFECTA study done by Rayton (2012) established that work engagement mediates the relationship between employee affect and job performance while playing no role in the determination of employee intention to quit. We will write a custom essay sample on Work Motivation And Work Engag or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page WORK ENGAGEMENT AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCERavichandran et al. (2011) conducted a study taking 119 information technology employees and examined that there is a weak but positive correlation between emotional intelligence and work engagement. It indicates that emotional intelligence influences engagement of an employee up to a certain limit.HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING AND COMPASSIONThe results of the research done by Mongrain, Chin ; Shapira (2010) suggest that practicing compassion can provide lasting improvements in happiness and self esteem, and may be beneficial for anxious individuals in the short run.HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEA meta-analysis done by Alvarez (2014) includes studies concerning the relationships between emotional intelligence (EI) and subjective well-being (SWB). The results provided evidence of a positive significant relationship between EI and SWB (? = 0.32). Palmer et al., (2002) have identified a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction among Spanish undergraduates. Furthermore, Augusto et al. (2008) Extremera ; Fernandez- Berrocal (2006) and Gohm and Clore, (2002) have also identified positive relationships between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being in their studies.AFFECT AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEJordan, Ashkanasy, Hartel, and Cooper (2002) probed the linkage of EI and work states related to emotional processes and argued that employees with high emotional intelligence experience less negative emotional reactions than their low counterparts. Moreover, individuals with higher EI facilitate greater positive affect because of their greater capacity to perceive and reason around emotions (Mayer ; Salovey, 1997). Some other studies have demonstrated that EI is a correlate of positive affect (Extremera, ; Rey, 2016; Lopes, Grewal, Kadis, Gall, ; Salovey, 2006; Schutte, Malouff, Simunek, McKenley, ; Hollander, 2002).COMPASSION AND EIIn a study done by Beauvais, Andreychik ; Henkel (1994) results showed that whereas higher levels of emotional intelligence, empathy for others positive emotions, and empathy for others negative emotions were associated with greater compassion satisfaction, only higher levels of emotional intelligence and empathy for positive emotions were associated with reduced fatigue and burnout.
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